But Have You Heard About?
If niche history topics, or little known conspiracy theories are things you want to know more about, you've found the perfect new podcast for you. Is the earth actually hollow? Did Europeans use sports as a way to bond as colonizers? Tune-in as host Courtney explores these and other historical subjects, teaches new trivia and small talk pieces to the masses. You don't want to miss it as Courtney will have a plethora of rotating guests to add some spice to the conversation.
But Have You Heard About?
God is Good, and So is Beer
Courtney and her cool friends
Season 2
Episode 14
What did you think of todays' episode?
In this new episode, I sit down with Tyler to talk about the history of the German Beer Purity Law. What is it, why does it exist, and does it even matter anymore? All great questions that I hope we actually covered.
Alcohol and religion seem to have an interesting relationship; during the Middle Ages and then some, monks would unknowingly brew beer and hand it out to travelers because drinking water from a river could legitimately give you a disease that would kill you. While brewers didn't know about yeast and its impact in beer making until much later, brewers throughout history would continue to make alcohol.
Tune for some interesting stories, and beer. Because God and beer are good.