But Have You Heard About?

Titanic: More than just Jack and Rose

Courtney and her cool friends Season 4 Episode 3

What did you think of todays' episode?

On this week's episode of But Have You Heard About Conspiracy Theory Edition, Matt and I go through a boat load of theories over the Titanic. From Did the Titanic sink or was it #shiptrapped and switched, to even more scientific ones like If the watertight doors had been used correctly, the Titanic would have settled on an even keel and perhaps remained afloat long enough for rescue ships to arrive.  Honestly, there are so many different theories about IF the ship sank, to what caused the sinking, and if there was foul play from the financial groups. The majority of these theories fall under "it could happen" or coincidental instances.  

Which of these do you think would be possible? Or, which was your favorite? Take a listen to hear which ones Matt and I like the best.

For more information:
Why They Sank The Titanic, 2012
Robin Gardiner; Ship That Never Sank
A list of more theories