But Have You Heard About?

Emmett Till's Lasting Legacy, and What to do About Carolyn Bryant

Courtney and her cool friends Season 3 Episode 2

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Many know the story about Emmett Till; a 15 year old Black child visiting Mississippi where he was kidnapped, tortured and abused by two men for supposedly offending a white woman. His body was recovered three days later in the Tallahatchie river, barely recognizable. His mother then held an open casket funeral back home in Chicago so the world could see what happened to her child. The two men, Roy Bryant (the husband of the offended white woman, Carolyn Bryant), and JW Milam, were charged and then found innocent by a jury of all white peers. They later admitted to killing Emmett, and sold their story. This murder and the ability for two white men to get off the hook so easily was one of the catalysts of the Civil Rights movement. While Roy and JW had shitty lives, Carolyn divorced Roy, and remarried...and still loves in Mississippi. Recently, an unserved warrant was found in the basement of a county sheriff office for Carolyn Bryant during the three days he was missing. The warrant was never served because she was a young white mother and it would be too bothersome for her to come in. 
So, what do we do now that there can be some justice for Emmett Till?
